ZhongXing Flower Farm has been opend for more than 4 decades dedicated in flower cultivation. There are two main cultivation sites, one in No. 4-1, Dawo, 13 Neighborhood, Sanmin Village, Fuxing Township, Taoyuan and ther other site in Xuayunping, Fuxing Dist. Fuxing Township has moderate altitude, mild climate, large temperature difference between day and night, and thunderstorms often occur in summer afternoons. In Xiayunping, the daylight around the year is sufficient and great temperature difference, which is suitable for plant growing with bright colors.
Business Hours: MON to FRI: 09:00-18:00
Day Off: TUE
Ticket: Free
Payment: Cash
Passenger Capacity: 300 people
Parking: 2 cars
Facilities: Sales Department
Contact: 03-3825151
Address: No. 4-1, Sec. 1, Sanmin Rd., Fuxing Dist., Taoyuan City 336, Taiwan (R.O.C.)